
Posts Tagged ‘Christmas’

Feliz Navidad?

Is it wrong that I started listening to Christmas music today? I was clicking through the presets on my car stereo (which I very rarely do) and found one that I had saved on there last year around this time…solely because it played Christmas music. And lo and behold, the lovely sounds of the holidays came pouring though my car speakers! I felt a little embarassed at first…like if someone could hear the music from outside of my car they would glare at me and start flipping me off. But then I got so in the mood that I just didn’t care and I cranked it up and started singing along to “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas,” which may just be one of my favorite Christmas songs.

Granted, there are really only about 20 good Christmas songs (maybe less. probably less). They will just keep repeating the same songs, sung by different people for the next 33 days and I may get bored or even annoyed at some of them, but I’m going to keep listening. And none of you Grinches can make me feel bad for it!!!

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